Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dreams and Pajama's =D

I'm still in my pajamas's YAY!

So last night.... according to my mother.... I slept for about 15 hours.... I dunno why I had to say that, but I just did. I never sleep for that long. Normally Itry and be awake before ten o'clock coz I hate wasting my day, but no, apparently me body decided to keep me in coma mode until about 12am. Thaaaanks. Actually no I was having a pretty amazing dream so I guess you deserve a proper thanks body. *pats head* =)
Ao you probably want to know about my dream now huh?
 Just a warning... I have very weird dreams.
So... it started out with me being a superhero. I had this massive cape and awesome body suit and it was green and gold. And the cape had these awesome curvy uppy things that rose up from my shoulders so it made the cape flow even more when i was, uh, 'hovering'. I was like 'oh hell yes!'
So then I was off.... I literally had to fight all these kick ass bad guy ninja things and I couldn't do it by myself.... I was a lonely super hero... and I didn't have a name. hmm. Okay anyway, so I was just flying along (this was all situated in a small suburb area near a school, close to where I really live) this road next to a path that ran by this school. It was night time but the whole place was lit up (like a sports field with those super massive lights on them) and there was this person. Now I have no idea who they were in real life... someone my imagination dreamed up probably. It was a kid around my age and he was like one of those black kids off all the superhero movies... I think they're all aweosme =) and I sent down this lightning bolt thing from my hand. It landed right in front of him at his feet and solidified into this staff thing shaped like a lightning bolt. The lightning bolt was coloured in the colour his 'suit' thingo was gonna be. I said this weird word though when I sent it down and I don't even remember it but it was some random word out of nowhere. I think it meant that he would be a superhero like me. Anyway, when this kid (apparently he was like my best friend) touched the lightning stick it snapped in half and this light stuff surrounded him and he turned into a superhero like me... YAY! haha. His suit was even like mine... but different style... I can't remeber it! dammit! So then we high fived and flew away. (he didn't have a cape but he could still fly). Next thing I know were flying along this random street and I see another kid, this time totally different and sent down another lighting bolt, turned him into a superhero yadayadayada. then we kicked some bad guys asses. They were literally ninja's except they were like uber strong ninja's. Then I found like three more people and turned them into superhero'. One of them was a chick who I turned into a ninja cat... like cat woman except better. =P Umm oh yeah! Then we all got captured by these bad ninja things. Apparently I had turned some people into villain's instead of hero's.  We escaped, whooped their asses and ran out onto this massive hill thing. It was still night time and we were like halfway up a mountain on this grassy ledge, with this big helicopter hovering in front of us with a big spotlight on all of us. Lots of people were gathered down below and were clapping and stuff... halfheartedly for some reason... then this important dude came and hugged us all and we got applaued louder. After that we kind of all hung out together and chilled. It was a fun dream =) I remember one guy had a blue/ white/ light blue suit, one had a red/orange/ black suit, the ninja cat girl, my suit, my other friends suit and there was another chick but I can't remember her suit. I think it was yellow? haha.
Strange dream yeah I know. but it's not my worst... I have had MUCH stranger dreams I have to admit. I think that one was caused by me and my friends watching like three superhero movies in a row... Sky High, Iron Man 2, Kick Ass, The Incredibles and there was another one... then there was another ad for an animation superhero movie coming out... and I recently watched Astro Boy.... yeah I like kids movies so what =) they're pretty cool and half of them beat watching some sappy adult love story.... and the humour in them is priceless... it's my guilty pleasure... =D oh god I am so sad. But then again.
Five days into the holidays and the weirdness has already started.... help?
*Rawr* haha

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