Wednesday, December 1, 2010


So tiired... and the worst thing is I have work in about an hour. Oh I love my life. << that was sarcasm in case you didn't get that. I stayed over my friends house last night after a panic attack as I relaised pretty much half an hour beforehand that my friends goodbye thing was happening at 6:50. I got the message at 6:20. SO it was like massive freakout, ninja quick packing and out the door. I ended up sleeping over at my friends, passing out way too early and sleeping til bout eight this morning. I feel so out of it... ugh.

So yes. Work ('great') then home and stay up late sleep in 2moz. Day off tomorrow... YES!!!!
Can't be bothered to type much more.... my attention span is about 'this' much today.
Catch ya

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